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Ana Gaz dağıtım merkezlerindeki (RMS-A-B-C tipi) gaz basıncını ve gecen gazın miktarını kullanarak elektrik üretiyoruz , 35 kw dan 12 mw a kadar üretim yapabiliriz , bu işi rms lere paralel olarak bağladığımız expander lar ile yapıyoruz.

«Turbogaz» PJSC - leader in development and manufacturing of turboexpanders for oil and gas industry and oil and gas equipment

«Turbogaz» PJSC was established in 1975 by the decision of the Ministry of gas industry of the USSR as a main company for creating and implementation in the field of progressive energy technological equipment. Before 1991 the company was a member of «Gazprom» concern.

Today «Turbogaz» public joint stock company is scientific-production company, which has long practical experience of work in development, manufacturing and implementation of different types of equipment for boring, excavation, preparation, processing and transportation of oil and gas.

Status of a scientific organization is confirmed by the decision of board of the Ministry of fuel and energy of Ukraine No. 2 dated March 15, 2003, according to which «Turbogaz» PJSC relates to organizations, forming perspective scientific-technical politics in oil gas field.

At present «Turbogaz» PJSC consists of the following main departments: calculation-design bureau, «Turbogaz» pilot plant and testing area. Totally 500 employees work at «Turbogaz» PJSC.

Development of design documents is made by design bureau, with more than 100 specialists, including 5 PhDs 4 of them are corresponding members of Oil and Engineering academy of sciences of Ukraine, as well as Technology academy of the Russian Federation.

Intelligent potential of «Turbogaz» PJSC confirm more than 200 scientific articles, about 350 inventors certificates and patents for invention, 250 of which are implemented in the working equipment. 39 patents for invention were received only during the last three years.

All created technical decisions base on own developments or are made in cooperation with specialists of leading design and scientific-research institutes of Ukraine, the Russian Federation and other near-abroad countries.